Easy Income Generation Using Python: Uncovering Arbitrages with Currencylayer’s Triangular Arbitrage Code

Christopher Collins
9 min readDec 21, 2023

In the ever-changing landscape of forex trading, the pursuit of effective profit-making strategies is relentless. Triangular arbitrage emerges as an intriguing and possibly rewarding method in this context.

This blog will showcase how triangular arbitrage, traditionally a domain for high-frequency trading algorithms, has become more accessible thanks to technological advances and better data access.

We’ll start with a Python script that monitors live currency exchange rates, scouting for arbitrage chances among different currency combinations.

Triangular arbitrage is a fascinating yet intricate concept. It exploits rate differences across three distinct currencies in the forex market.

For example, you might find a chance to purchase currency A using currency B, then acquire currency C with currency A, and finally revert currency C to currency B, resulting in a net increase of currency B. This approach is straightforward in principle but demands quick action and a deep insight into market trends.

Our journey includes a hands-on example with a Python script drawing from the currencylayer API. It examines currency pairs like the Indian Rupee (INR), Swedish Krona (SEK), and Singapore Dollar (SGD) for arbitrage prospects. We’ll break down the script’s findings, showing how it spots opportunities and computes potential returns on theoretical investments.

However, it’s not just about crunching numbers. There are real-world challenges in applying these strategies, not to mention the need to weigh the risks and adhere to the regulatory framework of currency trading.

Python Script (add a currencylayer API key)

import requests

# API Configuration
API_KEY = 'Your API Key' # Replace with your actual key
BASE_URL = 'http://apilayer.net/api/live' # Ensure using 'https'

# Hypothetical investment amount
INVESTMENT_AMOUNT = 1000 # Example amount in USD

# Function to fetch live exchange rates for specified currencies
def get_live_rates(api_key, currencies):
currency_string = ','.join(currencies)
url = f"{BASE_URL}?access_key={api_key}&currencies={currency_string}&source=USD&format=1"
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()
return data['quotes'] if data['success'] else None

# Function to analyze for triangular arbitrage
def analyze_arbitrage(rates, currency_triad):
# Extract rates
rate1 = rates[f"USD{currency_triad[0]}"]
rate2 = rates[f"USD{currency_triad[1]}"]
rate3 = rates[f"USD{currency_triad[2]}"]

# Calculate cross rates
cross_rate1_2 = rate2 / rate1 # Cross rate between currency 1 and 2
cross_rate2_3 = rate3 / rate2 # Cross rate between currency 2 and 3
cross_rate3_1 = rate1 / rate3 # Cross rate between currency 3 and 1

# Convert through the three currencies
amount_in_second_currency = INVESTMENT_AMOUNT * cross_rate1_2
amount_in_third_currency = amount_in_second_currency * cross_rate2_3
final_amount_in_first_currency = amount_in_third_currency * cross_rate3_1

# Calculate potential profit
profit = final_amount_in_first_currency - INVESTMENT_AMOUNT

# Check for arbitrage opportunities
if profit > 0.1:
print(f"Arbitrage opportunity detected between {currency_triad[0]}, {currency_triad[1]}, and {currency_triad[2]}")
print(f"Exchange Rates: {currency_triad[0]}/{currency_triad[1]} = {cross_rate1_2:.4f}, {currency_triad[1]}/{currency_triad[2]} = {cross_rate2_3:.4f}, {currency_triad[2]}/{currency_triad[0]} = {cross_rate3_1:.4f}")
print(f"Hypothetical Investment: ${INVESTMENT_AMOUNT}")
print(f"Potential Profit: ${profit:.2f}\n")
print(f"No arbitrage opportunity in {currency_triad}")

# Main execution
if __name__ == "__main__":
currencies = ['AUD', 'BRL', 'CHF', 'CNY', 'HKD', 'INR', 'JPY', 'KRW', 'MXN', 'NOK', 'NZD', 'RUB', 'SEK', 'SGD', 'THB', 'TRY', 'ZAR']
live_rates = get_live_rates(API_KEY, currencies)
if live_rates:
# Analyze each possible triad combination
for i in range(len(currencies)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(currencies)):
for k in range(j + 1, len(currencies)):
analyze_arbitrage(live_rates, [currencies[i], currencies[j], currencies[k]])
print("Failed to fetch live rates")

Today, we delve into a Python script that serves as more than mere code — it’s a portal to comprehending the intricate movements of currencies in the vast forex market. Let’s unpack it, shall we?

The Initial Setup — Venturing into the Market

Our journey with the script begins by importing a library named ‘requests’. Think of this as arming ourselves with a digital toolkit essential for fetching online data. To access up-to-the-minute currency exchange rates, ‘requests’ is our go-to digital envoy.

API Key — Your Exclusive Access Code

We proceed by initializing our API key. Picture this as a unique code that unlocks a wealth of currency exchange data from a platform known as currencylayer. To join this data feast, you’ll need your own key, akin to a bespoke entry ticket to this financial data gala.

The Hypothetical Scenario

Next, we set an INVESTMENT_AMOUNT, pegged at $1000. This is our theoretical sum for experimentation — similar to using monopoly money in a board game to grasp the nuances of real-world trading, minus the financial peril.

The Core Functions — The Engine of Our Script

  1. Retrieving Live Rates: ‘get_live_rates’ is a function, essentially a recipe, that requests current exchange rates from the currencylayer service. Using your personal API key, it inquires about the present value of various currencies, like the Australian Dollar (AUD), Indian Rupee (INR), and others, in relation to the US Dollar.
  2. Searching for Arbitrage Opportunities: Then, we have the ‘analyze_arbitrage’ function. This is where the real excitement lies. It analyzes the freshly acquired exchange rates to spot a unique chance known as ‘triangular arbitrage.’ Imagine handling three currencies — say, INR, SEK (Swedish Krona), and SGD (Singapore Dollar). The script determines whether you can trade these currencies in a triangular pattern (INR to SEK, SEK to SGD, and back to INR) to potentially end up with more INR than you started.

The Grand Finale — Executing the Script

Ultimately, the script springs into action. It sifts through various currency pairings (akin to playing a matching game) to identify a profitable opportunity in this triangular trade. If it strikes gold, it rejoices by outlining the specifics — the currencies involved, their exchange rates, and the possible gain from your theoretical investment.

If it doesn’t spot an opportunity, it simply states, “No arbitrage opportunity in [these currencies].” It’s like a serene angler, accepting that there’s no catch for now.

A Dose of Reality

It’s crucial to remember that this script operates in a hypothetical realm. In the actual currency markets, conditions can shift rapidly. You have to factor in transaction costs, the time needed for trades, and the volatile nature of currency values. Moreover, when dealing with real money, staying informed about legal and regulatory standards is vital.

So, there it is — a script that transcends coding, offering a glimpse into the exhilarating world of currency trading and arbitrage. It’s a fusion of finance, technology, and a hint of adventure, all encapsulated within Python’s realm!

Screenshot of results

Please note that since triangular arbitrage opportunities are infrequent, we manipulated the exchange rates in our demonstration to illustrate how the script identifies and presents a profitable arbitrage scenario. The selection of currency pairs plays a significant role in the probability of discovering arbitrage chances. Major currency pairs (such as EUR/USD, USD/JPY) experience extensive trading, leading to a more efficient market where arbitrage chances are less frequent. However, there may be more arbitrage possibilities in lesser-traded or emerging market currencies, though these options are accompanied by distinct risks and complexities.

The script’s output reveals a possible arbitrage situation involving the Indian Rupee (INR), Swedish Krona (SEK), and Singapore Dollar (SGD). Here’s an explanation of what this means:

Identified Arbitrage Chance: The script has pinpointed a potential triangular arbitrage involving the INR, SEK, and SGD currency trio.

Relevant Exchange Rates:

  • INR to SEK is at 8.0712.
  • SEK to SGD is at 7.7366.
  • SGD back to INR is at 0.0160.

Assumed Investment: A theoretical investment of $1000 is used for the calculations.

Projected Profit: $5053.07: Based on these exchange rates and the supposed investment, the script estimates a profit of $5053.07. This figure is hypothetical, assuming ideal market conditions such as no transaction costs, instant execution, and constant rates during the trade.

Understanding the Arbitrage Mechanism: The detected arbitrage implies that by exchanging currencies in the sequence INR → SEK → SGD → INR, one might end up with more INR than initially, based on current exchange rates. The procedure would be:

  1. Begin with $1000 in INR.
  2. Convert the INR to SEK.
  3. Change the SEK to SGD.
  4. Finally, switch the SGD back to INR.

If the computed profit is achievable, you would have $5053.07 more than the starting INR amount.

Key Points to Consider:

  • Market Realities: In actual trading, factors like transaction fees, execution delays, and swift exchange rate changes can impact arbitrage profitability.
  • Risk: Currency markets are unpredictable, and arbitrage opportunities often last for a brief period.
  • Regulatory Compliance: All trading should adhere to the relevant legal and regulatory standards.

Getting Started: To start exploring triangular arbitrage with this script, first obtain an API key from currencylayer, your portal to live financial data. Currencylayer’s free plan, offering 100 API calls per month, is a great way to start without any financial commitment.

Steps to Begin:

  1. Visit Currencylayer: Go to the currencylayer website and familiarize yourself with their services.
  2. Register an Account: Find and click the ‘Get Free API Key’ button or a similar option to sign up easily.
  3. Opt for the Free Plan: The free plan, allowing up to 100 API calls monthly, is ample for starters.
  4. Acquire Your API Key: Post-registration, you’ll receive a personal API key, your access to live currency data.
  5. Integrate the API Key into the Script: Replace the placeholder in the script with your actual API key.
  6. Execute the Script and Experiment: Run the script to see how it searches for arbitrage opportunities. Try different currency combinations and observe the outcomes.

To explore or incorporate every currency available on currencylayer in your code, simply execute the following Python command:

import requests

# Replace with your actual API key

# Define the endpoint for listing currencies
endpoint = 'https://api.currencylayer.com/list'

# Prepare the request URL with the API key
url = f"{endpoint}?access_key={API_KEY}"

# Make the request and get the response
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()

# Check if the request was successful
if data['success']:
# Accumulate the currency codes in a list
currency_codes = [code for code in data['currencies'].keys()]
print("Failed to fetch the list of currencies")

Screenshot of code to retrieve currency list

Keep these points in mind:

Learn and Experiment: Utilize your complimentary API calls to deepen your understanding of currency market dynamics. Test various currency pairings and observe the script’s reactions.

Educate Yourself: While the script is a valuable tool, enhance your learning with additional financial education. Grasping market trends, risks, and tactics will enrich your experience.

Stay Updated: Regularly check for updates in API usage terms or rate limits on currencylayer to maintain seamless access to data.

The triangular arbitrage script provides a unique perspective into forex trading, utilizing the currencylayer API to explore triangular arbitrage opportunities. Although this method has theoretical profit potential, it requires a keen grasp of market movements and quick action.

Nonetheless, it’s crucial to acknowledge the inherent risks and challenges in currency trading. The forex market’s volatility can swiftly alter the viability and success of triangular arbitrage strategies. Factors like transaction fees, delays in execution, and regulatory considerations add to the complexity of these trades.

Thus, while the script is an intriguing foray into triangular arbitrage, it’s not a surefire profit-making tool. Aspiring traders should approach this method cautiously, armed with thorough market knowledge and a well-structured risk management strategy. Effective currency trading goes beyond a smart script; it demands patience, ongoing education, and a comprehensive understanding of forex market intricacies.

Effective Risk Management with Currencylayer:

Currencylayer’s real-time currency data can play a pivotal role in crafting a sound forex trading risk management plan. Here’s how:

  1. Real-Time, Accurate Data: Essential for informed trading decisions and understanding market conditions.
  2. Volatility Monitoring: Track exchange rates to assess currency pair volatility, a key risk indicator.
  3. Rate Alerts: Set up alerts for specific exchange rates to manage trades effectively.
  4. Historical Data Analysis: Analyze long-term trends and patterns for informed strategy development.
  5. Diversification: Use a variety of currency pairs for risk spreading.
  6. Automated Trading Strategies: Incorporate the API into automated systems for emotion-free, strategy-adherent trading.
  7. Backtesting: Use historical data to test how strategies would have performed under different market conditions.
  8. Regulatory Compliance: Keep up with exchange rates for adherence to financial regulations.
  9. Risk Analysis Tools Integration: Combine with other tools for a comprehensive market risk overview.
  10. Education and Training: Utilize real-time and historical data for skill and risk awareness improvement.

In essence, while currencylayer primarily offers data, its strategic use in risk management can significantly aid traders in making informed decisions and minimizing losses in forex trading.

By adopting these approaches, you’re not just executing a script; you’re stepping into the realm of financial exploration, equipped with real-time data and the prowess of Python. Enjoy your trading journey! 🌍💹📈

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Christopher Collins

I write about coding, crypto, the tech future,please follow my publication https://medium.com/aiwriters/ 😀